Q. What is DRS?

The Direct Registration System (DRS) allows American Depositary Share (ADS) holders to retain their ADS electronically on the books of the Depositary, avoiding the need to incur additional costs associated with certificated holdings.

The DRS system facilitates the electronic transfer and record keeping of book-entry shares to and from transfer agents and financial institutions on behalf of investors.

A statement of your DRS holding is issued by Citibank, the ADR Depositary Bank for Diageo.

Q. Can I manage my DRS account online?

You can manage your account on-line through Investor Centre. Log on and follow the instructions to create your secure account. You will need your 10 digit investor idenitification number (ID) (which may also be referred to as your Holder Account Number) in order to log in to the service. You can find your ID on your DRS statement and begins with a "C".

Q. How do I check how many ADSs I have registered in DRS?

You can check your ADS holding by logging onto your account through Investor Centre.

If you have not yet created your secure account, please see Can I manage my DRS account online? above.

Q. How do I buy or sell my ADS through the IDI?

Citibank's IDI offers a convenient and flexible way of buying and selling ADS in Diageo plc. For additional information, the plan brochure, costs and enrolment forms, please contact Citibank or download further details from Investor Centre.

Q. I have an existing account with another share custodian (or "Street Nominee'"). How do I transfer my ADS to that account?

To have your ADS transferred into your nominee account, please contact your broker to initiate this transaction. Your broker will need your 10 digit investor ID number.

Q. How do I transfer my shares?

You can transfer your shares online through Investor Centre.

If you have not yet created your secure account, please see Can I manage my DRS account online? above.

Q. How do I enrol in the International Direct Investment Plan (D)?

You can enrol in the IDI online through Investor Centre.

If you have not yet created your secure account, please see Can I manage my DRS account online? above.

Q. How do l change my address?

You can change your address online through Investor Centre.

If you have not yet created your secure account, log on to Investor Centre and follow the instructions to create your secure account. You will need your 10 digit investor idenitification number (ID) (which may also be referred to as your Holder Account Number) in order to log in to the service. You can find your ID on your DRS statement and begins with a "C".

Q. How do I withdraw my ADS from DRS to a stock certificate?

You can instruct Citibank to issue a certificate from your DRS holding. To have a certificate issued, contact Citibank Shareholder Services on 1-866-253-0933 (outside the US on +1-781-575-4555) Monday through Friday (08:30am through 06:00pm Eastern Standard Time).

For additional information on Citibank's Depositary Receipts Services, visit Citibank's website, email [email protected], call them on the numbers above, or write to Citibank Shareholder Services, PO Box 43077, Providence, RI 02940-3077.

Q. What is the difference between an ADS and an ADR?

An ADR (American Depositary Receipt) is a negotiable certificate issued by a depositary bank representing a specific number of shares of a non-US company traded on a US stock exchange.

An ADS (American Depositary Share) is the share issued under the ADR agreement which is usually traded.